FROM THE HILL: Caldwell discusses the second great awakening, Queen gives advice on sharing the Gospel, and more

“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.
“1800-1840: The Second Great Awakening” (Panel discussion with the National Association of Scholars), featuring Robert W. Caldwell III, professor of church history
- “What sparked the Second Great Awakening? What effects did the Second Great Awakening have on the nation’s culture? How did it strengthen the role of Protestant denominations in the political sphere? Listen in as scholars from around the country answer these questions and others.”
“Presbyterianism: Carrying the torch of ‘Reformed’ ecclesiology, theology” (article on The Pathway), written by Robert W. Caldwell III, professor of church history
- “This is the third in a series of articles on the various denominations in North America, written by Robert W. Caldwell III, who serves as professor of church history at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.”
“Students head back to campus for in-person learning” (article on Southern Baptist Texan), featuring quotes from Adam W. Greenway, president
- “As college students head back to campus this fall throughout Texas and the U.S., many will again encounter the now familiar norms of social distancing and COVID protocols. Still, in-person learning is on the agenda for many schools, including the Texas Southern Baptist institutions featured here.”
“A Gospel-Sharing Primer: Practical Instructions for Deacons to Share Their Faith in a Post Pandemic World” (article in the Fall issue of Lifeway’s Deacon Magazine), by Matt Queen, associate dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions; professor of evangelism; L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism (“Chair of Fire”)
- Matt Queen discusses practical ways for deacons to share their faith in this post pandemic world.
“Partners, Brothers, and Friends: How Two College Presidents Have Come Together for the Greater Good of Christian Education” (episode on Next Gen Nonprofit Leadership), interviewing David S. Dockery, distinguished professor of theology, theologian in residence, and interim provost
- “I have not one but two good friends joining me in this episode – returning guest Dr. David Dockery and Dr. Carl Zylstra! These two men have worked together over the years for the betterment of Christianity-oriented higher education, and they are here today to discuss their parallel journeys as college presidents and the friendship that they have fostered and enjoyed along the way!”
“From Disaster Rises Grace: Discussing the 2008 Tornado at Union University with Dr. David Dockery” (episode on Next Gen Nonprofit Leadership), interviewing David S. Dockery, distinguished professor of theology, theologian in residence, and interim provost
- “Welcome, Dr. David Dockery, to this episode of the podcast! David is a good friend of mine, and I first met him when he was President of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, and since then, David has served as President of Trinity International University and is currently at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in a number of different roles.”