SWBTS’ devotion to evangelism continues in 111th year

The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has prioritized evangelism since its founding in 1908, when B.H. Carroll established the first-ever chair of evangelism in North America, the Chair of Fire. The flames of evangelism have burned brightly ever since, and in 2019, the seminary’s 111th year, God has continued to bless these efforts. See below to discover some of what God has done in and through the Southwestern Seminary family as they have strived to obey the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
- Perfection not required to enter God’s Kingdom
A Rosemont neighborhood couple learned recently that people do not have to be perfect to become Christians, as they willingly surrendered their lives to Christ. When He spoke to their hearts, the two were ready to listen. Read more.
- Exciting testimonies reveal how God changed lives during annual Revive This Nation
The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary deployed 67 preachers across the country to preach revivals in local churches during spring break, March 10-13, through its annual Revive This Nation (RTN) evangelism program. These 67 preachers were greatly used of God, collectively seeing 30 professions of faith and 115 other decisions, including baptisms, rededications, and calls to ministry. Read more here, here, and here.
- FIRST-PERSON: God turns ashes into beauty
“We prayed with him as he repented of his sin, confessing Jesus as Lord. Tears streamed down his face and peace came over him as he was overwhelmed with what just happened. God used the brokenness of this man’s life to draw him to Himself, turning ashes into beauty.” Read more.
- Witnessing team enlightens and wins souls for Christ
Taking advantage of the striking early spring weather, three seminary students, along with missions professor Mike Morris, ventured out to share the Gospel near the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary campus. And on this sunny Friday afternoon, Christ’s light shone down on two people that they might more clearly see the path to salvation. Read more.
- Son’s light is growing faith in willing hearts
“Thanks to spring rains and the sun’s dependable warmth, lawns are in early stages of growth this time of year, showing hints of their potential glory. And after some Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary student evangelists planted the seeds of the Gospel, along with steady measures of Scripture and encouragement, the faith of two new Christians is budding as well.” Read more.
- Oft-distracted teen becomes still, comes to know God
“I began sharing the Gospel in a simple manner with eye contact,” says master’s student Esther Lee. “To my surprise, Annie was intently listening as she was recognizing her current position of not being reconciled to God. She did not get distracted nor go off topic, and I saw her eyes understand the message. In my heart, I was encouraged by the Holy Spirit, giving Him the glory for what was happening in her heart.” Read more.
- Good Friday becomes spiritual birthday for two souls
Commemorating the day on which Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, Good Friday evokes both somber humility at the Savior’s crucifixion on our behalf, as well as glorious joy at the salvation His death and resurrection bring. For two women who recently visited Sundance Square in downtown Fort Worth, Good Friday bears personal significance as well, for it is the day on which they were spiritually reborn. Read more.
- FIRST-PERSON: You never know when God is up to something
“Interestingly enough, our door-to-door evangelism did ultimately result in a profession of faith, but it didn’t come from one of the people on whose doors we knocked; instead, it was one of the evangelists who got saved. Praise the Lord!” Read more.
- Two men listen when God’s Word comes calling
A Southwestern Seminary student and professor evangelized in the park and in the mall, and God brought a harvest in both places. Read more.
- FIRST-PERSON: 9-year-old Hindu boy comes to Christ
“The evangelist asked Paul if he was willing to worship Jesus as his only God instead of these ‘fake gods’ and turn to Jesus to start living for Him immediately. Paul replied in the affirmative and said, ‘I believe Him now.’” Read more.
- Gospel witness persists through storms
Though the weather forecast predicted heavy rain, the evangelists saw the task before them and did not back down. Despite the weather delays, the day was not a loss, and God provided them numerous opportunities to talk and pray with many families and individuals, and even lead one person to faith in Christ. Read more.
- Students overcome fear, make eternal impact during Crossover 2019
“God allowed us all to endure heat and anxiety, knocking on 565 doors and having 115 Gospel conversations over just 10 hours,” says evangelism professor Carl Bradford. “I’m encouraged that our students had the opportunity to overcome the fear of rejection, put into practice information learned from the classroom, and, most importantly, be utilized by God to have an eternal impact on the souls of 14 new believers for Jesus Christ. ‘Won’t He do it!’” Read more.
- Homeless man confronted with freeing message of Christ
Since the homeless man did not trust in Christ for salvation, master’s student Ricardo Devine now prays that the Holy Spirit will convict him to the point of repentance. The man knows how to be set free from his bondage to sin, Devine says; now, he only needs to believe. Read more.
- Despairing child reminded of God’s love through VBS
“Her tears and sadness turned to a smile and happiness, and she came back on Sunday for our service,” says master’s student Daniel Darling, who comforted a young girl with the Gospel during Vacation Bible School. “God had used His Word in her life to bring the comfort that she longed for, and the reassurance that God is a good God.” Read more.
- Youth ministry trains students to live ‘life on purpose’
The youth ministry at a local church is training its students to live “life on purpose”—that is, to live for the purpose of sharing the Gospel and making disciples. In September, for the second year in a row, the youth ministry hosted a day-long evangelism training titled “Life on Purpose,” or LOP. Despite being an event, LOP’s aim was to cultivate within students a lifestyle of Gospel intentionality. Read more.
- Pastor journeys 190 miles to join SWBTS neighborhood evangelism team
Why would someone drive nearly three hours and 190 miles from Austin to Fort Worth in order to participate in The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s door-to-door evangelism program? For Jonathan Bowman, the answer is obedience to the Lord. Read more.