This Week on the Hill: Updates to the MET, Steve Gaines on Ministry Now

“This Week on the Hill” is a weekly roundup of campus news, announcements, and events from Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College.
When global crises bring marital conflicts
Keeping your marriage together when it feels like the world is falling apart.
Last week on Ministry Now, we we were joined by Steve and Donna Gaines to discuss how couples and families can navigate the stresses that are often triggered by societal crises.
This week, we’ll be joined by Richard Ross, discussing how COVID might present an opportunity to radically reevaluate youth ministry.
Ministry Now is a resource from Southwestern Seminary, helping you live your calling in an ever-changing ministry landscape. Episodes air at 10am CT on Facebook and YouTube Premiere.
Choose your class style
Fall 2020 will feature residential classes, online courses, and two more 8-week terms. Check out the full course list, choose the class style that fits you, and get registered today.
Campus News
Southwestern’s MET now available to pastors without bachelor’s degrees
The MET is a 36-hour degree, available fully online, that provides basic theological education in Bible, history, and theology. Brent Ray, director of Southwestern Seminary’s World Missions Center, says this degree is “perhaps the most unique and advantageous Spanish-language theological studies program available anywhere in the world—and because of its fully online delivery system, it is literally available everywhere in the world.”
Meet Annette Segura (MET), Class of 2019. After completing her Maestría en Estudios Teológicos at Southwestern Seminary, Annette has gone on to serve in Mexico City by helping start a new satellite campus of the Mexican Baptist Theological Seminary.
World Missions Center invites students to pray for the nations during Summer Missions Focus
During its Summer Missions Focus, June 23-25, the World Missions Center (WMC) at The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary led students in times of focused prayer for the nations and shared some of the opportunities for students to continue fulfilling the Great Commission, even while travel is restricted.
“God answers prayer,” says Brent Ray, director of the World Missions Center. “It’s really that simple. There are places where we cannot go, especially in this era of a global pandemic, but through prayer, we are still able to both practice obedience to the Great Commission and touch people around the world. Prayer, itself, changes nothing. But God answers prayer.”
During the weeklong focus, the WMC devoted time to three different affinity groups each day. The prayer times were facilitated by videos and prayer guides supplied by the International Mission Board. The affinity groups included the Americas, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Deaf, North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Each video provided an overview of each affinity group, its culture, unique challenges for reaching them with the Gospel, and specific ways to pray for the people and for those who serve among them.
FROM THE HILL: Faculty speaks out against racism, McCoy addresses intersection of feminism and transgenderism
Baptists and the Christian Tradition: Toward an Evangelical Baptist Catholicity (book), with contributions from David S. Dockery (distinguished professor of theology, theologian-in-residence of the B.H. Carroll Center for Baptist Heritage and Mission, special consultant to the president, editor of the Southwestern Journal of Theology), W. Madison Grace II (associate professor of Baptist heritage, director of the Oxford Study Program), and Malcolm B. Yarnell III (research professor of theology)
Arise Together (ebook), with a contribution from David S. Dockery
“An Evangelical Statement: The Gospel Opposes the Sin of Racism” (statement from Evangelical Theological Society), signed by David S. Dockery
“Culture Friday – Feminists take on transgender activists”, Katie J. McCoy, assistant professor of theology in women’s studies, interviewed on “The World and Everything In It”