Southwestern Music Academy
Quality music education in a Christian setting
Offering quality music instruction to children and adults of all ages, providing a venue for School of Church Music and Worship music majors to gain valuable teaching experience before graduation, serving as a vehicle of outreach to the neighborhood children and community.
Spring registration now closed. Summer registration opening in May.
Contact Us:
- 1809 W. Broadus Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76115

Calendar of Events
Instruments, Classes, and Lessons
Instruments Taught
Piano, Voice, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Guitar, Drums, and French Horn. Other instruments are by request and as teachers are available.
Individual Lessons
Student Opportunities
Recitals and Performances
Two formal End-of-Semester recitals for students are planned for November and April. In addition, there are more casual performance opportunities such as “Showcase: Everything Famous and Fun!” and “Worship Night.” Students display their diligence and hard work at these events. Family and friends are welcome to attend all performances to see the accomplishments of the students and enjoy the music-making.
SMA Group Classes
First Friday of the Month, 5:00-6:00 pm
Students taking private lessons at the SMA have the opportunity to participate in a monthly group class. The classes are divided into kindergarten through 3rd grade and 4th grade through 8th grade. These classes help the students with written theory concepts, rhythm mastery, and ear training while providing a social environment to develop friendships with other musicians in their pier group. An email sign-up list will be sent each month.
SMA Contests
The Academy offers two competitions for our students. In the fall, we hold a “Theory Challenge” where students see who can complete the most theory pages in just one month. In the spring, a “Creative Composition Contest” allows our students to display their talents at making their own music. Both contests have prizes for winners.
MTNA Events
Teachers at SMA are members of the Music Teacher National Association. Through this association, their students have many opportunities to participate in performances, competitions, and theory exams. Joining in these events allows students the opportunity to expand their musical skills. See Calendar of Events for these dates. Nominal fees may accompany these activities.
The Royal Conservatory of Music
As a Founding School of the Royal Conservatory of Music program, the academy offers a phenomenal opportunity for students to excel in their music studies by preparing and taking these yearly graded assessments. Performing before a visiting, nationally-trained adjudicator, students will receive invaluable written critiques, as well as numerical scores which will help chart their progress against music students from across the country. This program assures a balanced course of study, including technical skills, sight-reading skills, and theory.
Tuition Summer 2025
The discounted rate automatically applied to all students, and that rate is reflected below.
Lessons | Price |
7 weeks of 30-minute lessons | $190 |
7 weeks of 45-minute lessons | $280 |
14 weeks of 30-minute lessons | $375 |
14 weeks of 45-minute lessons | $565 |
Tuition Fall 2024-Spring 2025
Adults- 7 lessons, 30-min. | $210 | $190 |
Adults- 7 lessons, 45-min. | $315 | $280 |
Adults- 14 lessons, 30-min. | $420 | $375 |
Adults- 14 lessons, 45-min. | $630 | $565 |
Children- 14 lessons, 30-min. | $420 | $375 |
Children- 14 lessons, 45-min. | $630 | $565 |
Children’s Choir- 14 weeks | FREE | FREE |
*Tuition must be paid in full by the second week of lessons. A $30 late fee will be added the third week of lessons.
*Discounts apply to:
1. SWBTS – Students and their families, employees and their families, and alumnus and their families. All SMA students receive the discount.
2. Siblings – The first child pays full price. Each following child of the same family receives the discount.
3. Multi-lessons – The first lesson taken pays full price. Each following lesson for the same student receives the discount
Payment Method Options
Cash cannot be accepted
- Pay online through PayPal by submitting the form at the end of the registration process and paying through PayPal directly. Payment can also be completed at a later date below.
- Checks, money orders, or cashier’s check made payable to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) can be placed in the lockbox located across the hall from Cowden Hall room 111 (check payment guide). Please do NOT put cash in the lockbox.
Payment through Paypal
Registration form must be filled out first. Use this method if you chose to pay through PayPal at a later date after you have registered.