Recreation and Aerobics Center

817.923.1921, ex.8540

The Recreation and Aerobics Center (RAC) exists to serve Southwestern by promoting physical and spiritual wellness while increasing community for the glory of God.

The center includes a gymnasium with an indoor walking/running track, racquetball courts, male and female locker rooms with showers and a sauna, aerobics room, weight room, and a multi-purpose room, and a lap pool. Adjacent to the center are lighted tennis courts, an outdoor track, and playing fields. The center is named for Myra K. and J. Roy Slover, seminary benefactors from Liberty, Texas.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 6:30 AM - 9:30 PM
    Wednesday: 6:30 A.M. - 5 PM
    Saturday: 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

RAC Pool


Hours of Operation

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 6:30AM - 8:30PM
  • Wednesday: 6:30AM - 4:00PM
  • Saturday: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
  • Sunday: Closed


Family Pool Days Protocols

  • Parents are to access the pool through the locker rooms or blue doors; ALL other RAC areas are closed and off-limits.
  • Parents are REQUIRED to supervise their children in the pool area; neither a RAC staffer nor a lifeguard will be provided during the Family Pool time.
  • Parents and children MUST remain in the pool area with their children at all times; the other areas of the RAC are closed and off-limits during Family Pool days.
  • All pool equipment must be picked up and put in its proper place before leaving the pool.
  • If parents exit the building to use the playground, they will not be able to re-enter the building and must exit the playground area at the gate near the tennis courts.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the pool area on Family Pool days.
  • No glass, sharp objects, basketballs, footballs, etc., are allowed in the pool area.
  • No diving, rough play, dunking, or horseplay is allowed in the pool area.
  • Children swimming are not to hang from the lane markers lines.
  • The male or female lockers or family changing room is to be used when changing into swim gear.
  • Any clothing left in the pool area will remain in lost and found for one week. After one week, the items will be donated to charity.
  • In the case of inclement weather, a power outage, or any other situation that is considered potentially life-threatening (e.g., lightning from inclement weather), the RAC staffer in the building will require all guests to leave the pool.
  • A bathing/proper swimwear is required. No cut-offs, racing suits/speedos (for guys), or two pieces are allowed in the RAC Pool.

Swim Lessons

The RAC offers private/individual or group swim lessons for children ages 1-12 and teens 13-16. Lessons are available for beginners unable to swim, intermediate swimmers, or advanced swimmers who want to improve their technique. The focus of each lesson is for every student to gain a comfort level in water, learn basic strokes, and improve their swimming techniques.

Swim lesson hours are Saturday Only (8am-12pm)

Swim Lesson FAQs

Yes, parents are allowed to observe their children in the pool, but are encouraged not to distract/interfere with the pool instructor.

Swim Lesson Pricing


Group Swim Packages (One Session):

Swim Lessons Package (0-5)
30-minute session (1)
Swim Package Cost: $15
Swim Lesson Package (6-16+)
50-minute session (1)
Swim Package Cost: $20

Group Swim Packages:

Group Lessons Package
30-minute session (4)
Group Package Cost: $40
Group Lesson Package
50-minute session (4)
Group Package Cost: $70 

RAC Membership

Faculty/Staff and their dependents are allowed to use the RAC free of charge. Children under the age of fourteen must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian. Alumni must purchase an annual RAC membership.


Dress Code

  • All workout gear should be modest and not suggestive.
  • Closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times.
  • All t-shirts/tank tops must have a 2-inch shoulder width.
  • A loose-fitting top must be worn when wearing leggings or yoga pants.
  • No short-shorts of any sort are allowed, shorts length must be at least to the mid-thigh/leg.
  • Sports Bras if worn must be covered by an outer shirt.
  • Shirts that expose the mid-drift do not comply with the dress code.
  • No improper language of any sort is not allowed.
  • Cordiality and kindness toward all RAC patrons is expected.
  • Harassment of any sort is strictly prohibited and will be reported.

Guests over 14 Years Old

  • RAC members may bring up to two (2) guests at one time. All guests are required to sign a waiver form and agree to abode by the SWBST code of conduct policy. The daily guest fee is $5 per person.
  • RAC members must have a relationship with their guests.
  • RAC members are responsible for their guests and must remain with them throughout the duration of the visit.
  • RAC members who are caught in violation of the guest policy are subject to forfeit their guest privileges.

Guests and Patrons under 14 Years Old

  • All individuals under the age of 15, whether guests or dependents, must be accompanied by a guardian or another adult with documented permission from guardian allowing supervision of child.
  • The parent or legal guardian, of a guest under 16, must sign a waiver and SWBTS code of conduct policy
  • Individuals under the age of 14 may be accompanied by siblings that are 18 or older provided that they are members of the RAC.
  • Individuals under the age of 14 are not allowed to enter the weight room or cardio room without a parent or legal guardian.
  • Individuals under the age of 14 will not be permitted to enter the pool without adult supervision.

Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Goals

Mission Statement

The mission of the Recreation and Aerobics Center (RAC) is to promote overall wellness to students, faculty, and staff members of the campus community. We accomplish our mission by providing organized and informal programs designed to engage the body and mind for the purposes of fun, fitness, social interaction, competition, skill acquisition, and adventure.

Vision Statement

Recreation Services of the Intramural Sports Complex will continue to offer recreational and wellness programs, and we will seek to meet the needs of our active campus community.

Core Values and Goals

  • Build Campus Community
  • Provide Safe, Healthy Programs, and Facilities
  • Emphasize Sportsmanship
  • Promote Fun, Fitness, and Competition
  • Build a Climate of Respect and Trust
  • Serve with Honor, Integrity, and Accountability

Contact Us

817.923.1921, ex.8540