Southwestern Women
Wherever God calls, we will help you get there.
Whether you are discipling middle-school girls, serving sex trafficking victims, leading a women’s ministry, or bringing the Gospel where it has never been heard, we will do whatever it takes to help you live your calling.
Why study at Southwestern Seminary?
- Challenging, in-depth biblical studies
- Hands-on ministry experience
- Mentorships with other ministers and scholars
- Spiritual support and accountability
- Vibrant campus community

Featured Degrees
Southwestern women are eligible for any of the degrees offered at Southwestern Seminary, with special tracks available for female students in courses related to preaching and pastoral ministry.
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
The Southwestern Master of Divinity prepares students for the broadest range of Christian ministries, especially in local churches. Students receive training in classical theological disciplines such as Old Testament, New Testament, church history, historical theology, systematic theology, ethics, philosophy, evangelism, and missions.
Master of Arts in Christian Education (MACE)
The Master of Arts in Christian Education (MACE) is designed primarily for the person who plans to perform various educational ministries in the church. This degree program equips Great Commission ministers to lead, teach, and biblically disciple with excellence.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The Doctor of Philosophy program prepares students to serve as teachers and writers in specialized areas of theology. Especially for women, a mentoring component is included to connect women’s studies with the student’s primary field of study.
Terri H. Stovall
Ashley Allen
Specialized Concentrations and Minors
The School of Theology, Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries, and Texas Baptist College all provide specialized concentrations and courses to serve and equip women for ministries within the area of Women’s Academic Programs.
Ministry to Women Concentration
Prepares female theology students for the unique needs and challenges of women, communicating theological truth to women by developing competence in the biblical languages and exposition. This program trains women to become students of their cultures to effectively reach other women through evangelism, missions, and discipleship.
Women’s Ministry Minor – PhD
This program is built to discover and nurture sound scholarship, meaningful research, and the interdependence of theory and practice, preparing highly specialized and competent professionals for various aspects of leadership in Christian education. Female students who desire to contribute to the field of women’s ministry have the opportunity to pursue a women’s ministry minor as a part of their degree.
Women’s Leadership Institute
Seminary Studies for Student Wives
Combines practical, spiritual, and academic studies to equip a ministering wife to join her husband in the educational pilgrimage.
Leadership Certificate in Women’s Ministry
Equips women as lay leaders and church staff in woman-to-woman ministries in the local church by providing quality training and networking opportunities.
Certificate and Advanced Certificate of Ministry Studies
Built for women who are serving in churches or other ministry contexts as staff, ministry leaders, or lay leaders, equipping them both theologically and practically to serve confidently in today’s culture.
Certificado en Estudios Ministeriales
Diseñado para mujeres que sirven en iglesias u otros contextos ministeriales como personal, líderes ministeriales o líderes laicas, equipándolas tanto teológica como prácticamente para servir con confianza en la cultura actual.
Unique Mentoring and Ministry Opportunities
Southwestern Women’s Center
The Women’s Center, located in Price Hall 104, serves as a hub for the spiritual , social, and academic life of all Southwestern women. Whether you are single or married, pursuing PhD or MDiv, a student wife or a staff member, the Women’s Center is for you.
Southwestern Society for Women in Scholarship (SWS)
Open to women of all degree programs, this student-led group of female seminarians serves to cultivate theological dialogue, academic excellence, and professional development among masters and doctoral students. Activities include student paper presentations, discussion of relevant theological questions, and topics in professional development.
For more information, contact
Women’s Leadership Institute at Southwestern
Provides a variety of certificate programs that exist to equip women for Great Commission service in their homes, churches, and other ministry settings. Certificate options exist for seminary and ministers’ wives, lay leaders, church staff, and other ministry leaders.
Got Questions?
We’re here to answer them. Reach out to our Admissions Team and we’ll be in touch by phone, text, or email.